Many people don’t realize how much low water pressure can affect their daily lives. 在一个缺乏最佳水压的家里, 洗衣机需要更长的时间才能装满, 洗碗机的性能受到负面影响, 水龙头放慢了速度. 洗澡可能会成为一项耗时的任务,因为你要努力冲洗肥皂和洗发水,因为管道里没有足够的水来有效地完成工作.

Living in a home with low water pressure is frustrating and inefficient, 但更糟糕的是,许多房主没有意识到,如果他们首先找出根本原因,水压问题是可以解决的. 而不是, 太多的人生活在家里的低水压中,未来可能会出现重大的管道问题. It is important to learn how water pressure issues come to be so that they can be fixed.

水压不足可能由多种原因引起,每种情况都是独特的. 一些水压问题可能是由家庭的私人井或市政供水的阀门问题引起的. Whether on a private well or connected to a municipal water source, 如果你家有硬水, the hard water could be leaving mineral deposits that build up over time restricting flow.

Let’s explore some of the common reasons why homeowners experience low water pressure.


Some homes have a water pressure regulator that controls the water pressure. 水压调节器是一种阀门,可以将进入房屋的水压降低到安全舒适的水平. 一个有故障的水压调节器可能导致低水压问题,这是有道理的.

水压过高会造成管道问题,并对洗碗机和洗衣机等电器造成不必要的压力. 调节器保护管道和电器,它可以延长管道装置的寿命.

当压力调节器发生故障时,可能会导致水压突然增加或减少. A common reason for failure is sediment build up in the valve, 哪些会导致堵塞, 泵的问题, 短周期. 破裂的水压阀也会对喷水灭火系统造成严重破坏,甚至会导致管道破裂.

If you think a water pressure regulator issue could be a cause of your low water pressure, 最好打电话给当地的管道专家. It could be that your regulator is set too low to meet your family’s demands. 例如,当你在洗碗的同时洗澡时,你是否感觉压力减轻了? 同样,你的水压调节器可能已经失效,需要更换.


水 pressure problems could be as simple as faulty faucets and fixtures. 如果你某一特定部位的气压较低, check for clogging or corrosion that could be slowing water flow.

Issues with seals and connections can impact the water pressure coming out of the faucet, 因此,不仅要检查水龙头和固定装置本身,还要检查连接.

另外, regardless of whether a home’s water comes from their municipality or a private well, hard water coming from either can cause buildup that clogs faucets and fixtures, 有时甚至把它们全部打破.

坚硬矿物积聚, 比如水中的钙和镁, are common hard water problems that affect fixtures and faucets. 你莲蓬头上的小洞, 例如, can easily get clogged with the residue that dissolved minerals leave behind.

The good news is that you can easily replace faucet aerators, 清洗莲蓬头,去除水垢, or simply buy new fixtures to replace the defective ones, 哪一种可以提高你的水压. 然而, 重要的是要知道,修理或更换水龙头和固定装置只是一个临时的解决方案. 随着时间的推移,这个问题会再次出现,除非硬水被软化,矿物质被去除.

住宅用水处理解决方案, 比如优质的软水器, 永久避免这些烦恼和水压力问题的最好方法是什么.


当然, 固定装置并不是唯一会被硬水积聚的矿物质堵塞的东西. The issue could run deeper, resulting in more serious plumbing headaches. Clogged pipes are one of the most frequent causes of low water pressure.

许多人没有意识到,堵塞的排水管不会影响你家的水压. 你家输水的管道是不同的管道,主要受矿物质而不是食物或生物黏液的影响, so treating clogged drain pipes won’t impact your home’s water pressure.

Consider that the pipes in your home are a lot like the arteries in your body. 和, 就像胆固醇会堵塞血管一样, limescale and/or other minerals restrict the diameter of piping over time, 导致水压低.

When there are plumbing issues contributing to water pressure reduction, 它会随着时间慢慢发生. So, 你可能不会注意到它,直到你认识到迹象和症状,问题变得足够严重,你需要打电话给水管工.

不幸的是,修理这些管道可能需要更换,这取决于损坏的程度. 及早发现这个问题很重要, so if you visit friends and family and notice they have much better water pressure, 这可能意味着你需要检查一下. Get your water tested and invest in a water softener if your water needs to be treated.


Another area of concern when diagnosing pressure problems is a home’s water heater.

If you specifically notice reduced pressure when using hot water, 这可能是你的热水器正在努力产生足够的家庭使用需求.

There’s a very good chance hard water is contributing to your troubles. Buildup in pipes may be blocking flow into and out of the water heater, 这会导致不太理想的压力.

Hard water can also wear out appliances including water heaters, 洗碗机, 洗衣机也比预期的要早. 投资一个软水器可以解决你的水问题,让你走上提高水压的道路.


Not only can your water pipes become clogged with scale, 它们也会受到腐蚀的限制. Plumbing problems that lead to poor water pressure often happen in systems with older, 镀锌铁管, 会因为水的pH值而腐蚀.

低pH值的酸性水会导致腐蚀,导致管道出现小洞和泄漏. These small holes let water escape before it reaches your faucet, 导致水龙头的压力降低. 水中溶解氧含量升高, 硫酸盐和铁细菌, 高总溶解固形物, and sediment in the water that wears on piping may also produce corrosion.

pH值不平衡导致的管道腐蚀可能是你的水压问题的原因. 如果你怀疑这是导致你的水压低的原因,那么测试你的水和检查你的管道是很重要的.


首先,重要的是要确定你的低水压是否源于你的水源. 农村地区从私人水井取水的房主与从市政供水的房主相比,可能有不同的原因导致水压低. There are a number of ways that well water specifically can affect your water pressure; however, 如果你不是在私人油井上, 这些问题将不适用.

Well water is often prone to water quality issues that thankfully can easily be remedied. 常见问题, 比如硬水, can result in unwanted sediment or minerals flowing with your water. Hard water from a private well can affect your water pressure.

硬水影响水压的一种常见方式是硬水中的矿物质会堵塞井壁. 如果你的井水中铁含量升高, this screen can also become clogged by the rust build-up it will leave behind. 在这种情况下, a local well and pump expert can come to remove the pump, 冲洗井, 清洗或更换屏幕以及其他导致问题的部件. Having a clogged well screen may indicate your well needs a better seal.

Low water pressure from a well could also stem from a change in water levels. Nearby wells accessing the same aquifer could be affecting your supply. Or, the aquifer could be dried up and your well may need to move or be dug deeper.

虽然这并不是井水如何影响你的水压的详尽的原因清单, these are some of the more common causes of low water pressure. 如果你有自来水,请继续阅读.

Low 水 Pressure Caused by Municipal 水 Valve Issues

For homeowners whose water supply comes from their local municipality, 低水压可能源于阀门问题. 连接市政供水的城市居民将有两个重要的阀门:一个在你家外面的水表上的街道水平, 另一个是房子的主水切断阀. 如果这两个阀门中的任何一个部分关闭,您可能会注意到水压的不同.

阀门的问题并不常见, 但是如果压强突然变化, it’s worth making a call to your local public works department to have it checked out.

The water meter valve should be operated by the municipality. If there were any utility repairs or work done on your home recently, and your entire home experienced a sudden drop in water pressure, 这可能就是原因.

主截止阀, 水是从哪里进入你家的, 还应检查以确保其完全打开. 主关闭阀可以设在室内或室外,通常在热水器附近.


如果你家有硬水(就像美国大部分地区一样).S. 房屋), 保护您的投资的最好方法是由了解您所在地区水质的当地专家安装高质量的软水机.

Soft water helps you avoid the buildup that causes low water pressure, 还有很多其他的管道问题. From personal care problems like dried out hair and skin, 到房屋清洁头痛和电器问题, 硬水令人讨厌.

好消息是,纠正用水问题和解决低水压问题很容易. 联系 one of our knowledgeable dealers and have them evaluate your situation. 要小心自己动手修理,因为从大盒子商店安装软水器可能会导致更多的问题. Trust the experts to identify the right water treatment for your home and family.





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